Photographs & Videos
South Hill Park Preschool uses photographs and videos to capture the children’s experiences and to evidence their moments of independence, learning, achievement and pride, which can enhance self-esteem for children and young people and their families. By following some simple guidelines, we can proceed safely and with regard to the law.
Staff use Pre-school cameras to take photos and tablets or video cameras to video the children at play.
Photographs/recordings of children are only taken for valid reasons, e.g., to record learning and development, or for displays, and are only taken on equipment belonging to the Pre-school.
Camera and video use is monitored by the Pre-school Manager and Deputy Manager.
Photographs taken of the children during their sessions are downloaded onto the Pre-school computer at the end of the week and used in the weekly update posted on the Parent’s private Facebook group. Some photographs are printed for the children’s learning journals. The photographs are then deleted from the camera.
Parents/carers are asked when children start with us if they give their permission for photographs of their children to be used for purposes, including for displays, within their learning journals and on the parents private Facebook page and on the public page.
They are also asked if they give their permission for photographs of their children to be used in written literature to promote the Pre-school, in the local press.
If photographs are used for publicity, parental consent is gained and safeguarding risks minimised, e.g. children may be identified if photographed in a sweatshirt with the name of their setting on it.
Photographs/recordings of children are only made if relevant permissions are in place.
Where photographs are used for displays, in written literature or for the local press the child’s name is not used and all attempts are made to keep them anonymised
During any event held by South Hill Park Pre-School for the children, during their normal session time, we will not permit parents the use of cameras or video cameras unless we state otherwise. Where permission is given any images taken must be for private use only and if they include others, they must not be posted on social media platforms, on the internet without their parents consent, otherwise Data Protection legislation may be contravened.
Recording and/or photographing other than for private use would require the consent of all the other parents/carers whose children may be included in the images. To make sales or pass copies on without this could be a breach of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR)
Any parents or carers known to the Pre-school and helping with the event, must not take photos or videos whilst assisting with this unless agreed with the Pre-school Manager.
Staff will question anyone who is using a camera and or video recorder at events and productions.
If parents/carers have any concerns these should be raised with staff at the earliest opportunity. If parents do not wish their children to be photographed and it is not possible to isolate them then no photographs will be allowed unless they are individual ones.
During fundraising or social events which are organised outside of the normal Pre-school sessions, parents are responsible for their own children. Other parents or visitors to the event may have cameras with them so parents should ensure that their child is not included in photographs unless they are happy with who is taking it and what they will be doing with it.
Visitors looking around the Pre-school or attending for any other reason are asked to read our visitor requirements, which includes the rule not to use their phones whilst in the Pre-school.
Last reviewed: August 2024