
Fees policy 

Fees and Charges

Confirmation of session fees will be given with your offer letter.  You will be given a price per hour, which covers your child’s care and education. Funded children will also be given service charge per session, to help cover resources and activities over the funding requirement. Please see the service charge section below for more details. We do not offer discounts for siblings. If parents access hours above the funded entitlement (15 or 30 hours) they will be charged per hour at our standard hourly rate.  Parents will be notified of the charge when the child’s hours are confirmed.

Early Education Funding

The local authority provides funding so that a child can access 15 hours of early education for 38 weeks a year from the term after their third birthday.  Some children can receive 30 hours of funding if parents meet the eligibility criteria.  The following table shows when your child will become eligible.

A child born on or between: 

Becomes eligible for funding from:

1st April and 31st August

Autumn Term (September)

1st Sep and 31st Dec

Spring Term (January)

1st Jan and 31st March

Summer Term (April)

The funding will continue until the term after a child’s fifth birthday or until the child takes up place in a reception or year one class at a maintained school.

The extended 15 hours funding will only be accepted on receipt of the HMRC unique reference code which parents must apply for on the HMRC website.

You will be required to confirm your eligibility every 3 months.  Parents are fully responsible for all fees in the event that funding is withheld or withdrawn for any reason.

We will need to see a copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport to confirm that your child is eligible for the free entitlement.  We will ask you to fill out a parent declaration form when your child becomes eligible for funding and anytime there is a change to their hours, in order to receive your funding. 

Pre-school Sessions

Our morning session begins at 8:30 for funded children.  If parents choose to start at 9:00 the funding will still be claimed from 8:30 as we do not offer funded sessions less than 3 hours in length. We do not offer an earlier afternoon finish time than 3:30.

Requests to change sessions (swap or add) will always be considered and subject to availability will be actioned at the beginning of the next half term.  Parents may request extra ad hoc sessions at our standard hourly rate, subject to availability.  Requests to drop a session need to be made in writing and 4 weeks’ notice given.  If parents do not want their child to attend for those 4 weeks they will still be charged for the dropped session(s) for 4 weeks term time (or funding will be claimed).

Deposits / Registration Fees

The registration fee is charged for all children except those receiving targeted two-year old funding or EYPP.  If parents do not intend to exceed their 15 (or 30) hours funding throughout their time here then parents can request for this registration fee to be paid back to them once their child has started with us.  This request must be put in writing within 4 weeks of the child’s start date.  The registration fee is used by the charity to assist with administration costs, trial visits, home visits and the induction evening as the government does not provide us with enough money to cover this.

Lunches / Snacks

Lunch club is delivered as part of the learning experience and therefore it can be included in a child’s funded hours.  No compulsory fees will be charged for food at lunch time.  Parents are expected to provide lunch (including a drink) for their child.

You will be asked to pay a service charge which includes payment towards the drink and snack that your child is offered during each session.  If you do not pay this charge you will be asked to provide your own drink and snack each session.  If your child requires a particular food or drink that we do not routinely stock, you may be asked to supply this yourself.


Parents have the option to purchase South Hill Park Pre-school uniform for their child; this consists of t-shirts and sweatshirts.  Uniform is not compulsory.

Service Charge 

Parents are expected to provide their own nappies, wipes, sun cream etc. Parents should be aware that government funding does not cover the cost of our Pre-school sessions, therefore all extras come from fundraising and donations and your support is always appreciated.  We also charge a service charge for funded children, which is included in your invoice.  The service charge pays for healthy snacks and drinks during the session, cooking ingredients, craft materials, new equipment and books, extra activities (For example: hatching ducklings, planting etc), visitors to the setting, higher staff ratios and higher staff qualifications, personal care consumables.  Parents are notified of the service charge cost and asked to accept it, in the terms and conditions before they start.  The service charge is reviewed each Spring along with the fees, please see the price increase section for further information.  

Extra Activities

If parents wish to take up extra activities that we may offer occasionally, they can expect to pay for these (e.g. Christmas pantomime trip), as such activities are over and above the requirements of the EYFS.  However, such activities will be optional so you can choose for your child not to participate if you wish.  If extra activities, e.g. parties, fall on days which your child does not usually attend you may be asked to pay Pre-school session fees for that session (in addition to the activity fees) or to swap a normal session for this extra session.

Holiday and Sickness

You must still pay fees even if your child does not attend a particular session (e.g. family holiday; child sickness).  This is because their space is still kept for them and we still have to pay staff wages and other costs.  It will not normally be possible to swap a session on a one-off basis, because you cannot attend your normal session that week due to illness, holiday or other personal / family reasons.  If you receive funding (15 or 30 hours) then you may be asked to pay this if you are on holiday for more than two weeks during term time if the Local Authority will not pay us.

Bank Holidays and Inset Days

Parents will be charged for sessions if the Pre-school is closed for a public holiday (usually this only affects the May Day Bank Holiday as it is the only one which falls within term time). This is because staff are paid for the bank holiday.  You are able to opt out of this payment by requesting it in writing a minimum of 4 weeks before that invoice will be generated.  Parents will not be charged for sessions on a planned Inset Day (staff training or preparation).  

Closures Beyond our Control

Occasionally the Pre-school has to close due to exceptional circumstances over which we have no control.  Examples of this might include severe weather conditions, vandalism, flu or other virus outbreaks.  If the Pre-school is closed for five days or less then you will still be charged for these sessions.  We will endeavour to keep parents updated through our website and by e-mails.

Price Increases

Our fees, including service charge, are reviewed by the Pre-school Manager and Committee each year.  It is likely that they will increase by a small amount each year and this increase will usually come into force in April.  If you will still be paying fees and service charges at the time of the increase you will be given at least 28 days notice of this.  If we have to increase fees or the service charge during the year for reasons beyond our control and for the best interest of the Pre-school’s financial stability, parents will always be given 28 days advance notice of this.


All parents will receive an invoice from us before the beginning of each half-term period.  A half-term period is usually between five and seven weeks.  The invoice will show clearly what the charges are in relation to.  Fees are payable in advance and are due before the first day of the period they relate to (the first day of each half term).  You will always be given a minimum of three weeks to pay your invoice.  Please pay via internet banking, employer childcare voucher systems or the Government tax free childcare voucher scheme.(please ask for details if necessary). We no longer accept payment for fees in cash or by cheque.  If you are unable to pay your fees in one of the ways mentioned above, you must speak to the Pre-school Manager at least 2 weeks before the due date.  .  If parents disagree with the calculations on their South Hill Park Pre-school invoice then this should be queried in writing within one week of receiving the invoice.

Late Payment Charge

The email accompanying your invoice will show the date your payment is due by.  If your invoice is not paid by this date then we will add a late payment charge of £10.00 to your account.  If the invoice is still unpaid 7 days after the due date then we will add an additional charge of £2 per day for every day the invoice remains unpaid.  If the invoice remains unpaid 2 weeks after the due date then your child’s Pre-school place will be suspended until payment is received.

Payment Difficulties

If you are experiencing financial difficulties then you must speak to the Pre-school Manager as soon as you can.  We may be able to arrange for you to pay in instalments.  There are sometimes additional ways that we can help you.  You may be asked to provide proof of your current financial situation.

Notice of Termination

Four weeks (term time) written notice (NOT including half terms, breaks, etc.) must be given to the Pre-school Manager (other than those children leaving to start statutory school at the age of five) or a notice payment of four weeks fees / funding will be charged.  You will sign to agree to this on your agreement form.  This payment is always enforced and legal action is taken where necessary. Your contract begins with the Pre-school when we receive your signed acceptance form. By accepting the space parents agree to this and understand that we will charge the aforementioned notice payment  if the contract is ended without giving 4 weeks term time notice in writing.

Last reviewed: September 2024