Equal Opportunities

South Hill Park Pre-school is striving towards equal opportunities.  We endeavour to offer a fair environment for all adults and children and ensure that everything we do is non-discriminatory.  We regularly review practices, policies and procedures to ensure they do not discriminate against people with a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.


We provide a range of resources and activities which reflect races, cultures, disabilities, genders and family types. Positive promotion is taken into account when planning the curriculum and in the day-to-day running of the group. We help the children to explore similarities and differences between people and families in a non-threatening and open way to help them value diversity.  Through role modelling, using puppets, arranging adults to visit and group time we encourage children to value and respect others. 


Our Pre-school is an equal opportunities employer and follows employment guidelines in the Equality Act 2010. We use clear job descriptions which relate to the job and not the person; our application form does not ask questions relating to the protected characteristics; we treat all applicants in the same way at each stage of the recruitment process; we ensure that interview questions are related to the job and the skills required. Current and prospective staff are valued and supported, and reasonable adjustments are made for them when required.


Staff are made aware of the different types of discrimination: direct, indirect, harassment and victimisation. We will challenge and take action against any inappropriate attitudes and practices by staff or parents, on or around the premises. If children are discriminating against others we will address this using methods appropriate to their age and stage of development and we will liaise with their parents.


The Pre-school has an appointed ‘Equality Named Coordinator’ (ENCO) whose role is to help promote, coordinate and monitor equality of opportunity for Pre-school children and their families in our setting. The ENCO will aim to ensure that the Pre-school meets the needs of the individual children and families. We have a commitment to working with other professionals who offer a service to support children and families and who assist our setting to be inclusive.

The issue of equality is threaded throughout all policies and procedures because it impacts on almost everything the setting does. In particular this policy should be read alongside policies for admissions, special educational needs and employment.


Last reviewed: August 2024